
A Day in the life of the MiW Agent A

We are the MiW, we take care of the alien scum no one else will touch.

We are your first, your last, your only line of defense against that green stuff next to the blue alien that had one too many drinks, and we get to wear those nifty rubber gloves

This is the story of two such members, two members of the Men in White. One of these two men, the great V. He recruits the rookie, A. And so our story begins.

6:00 am - I, the new agent A, after compleating my first mission, hit the snooze button on my alarm clock.

6:05 am - V comes and and tries to wake me silently.

6:06 am - It doesn't work.

6:07 am - V tries to wake me violently.

6:08 am - It works.

7:00 am - Reported for duty.

8:00 am - I've been assigned to a new project, code name "What's the red junk next to the black alien that had an affairs with the blue alien who had one too many drinks." My assignment was to find out what's the red junk next to the black alien that had an affairs with the blue alien who had one too many drinks while agent D (short tempered man) tried to find a short name for the project.

8:15 am - Me and V, my mentor and superior, worked on the red junk next to the black alien that had an affairs with the blue alien who had one too many drinks.

10:13 am - A little bit of the red junk next to to the black alien that had an affairs with the blue alien who had one too many drinks (nicknamed red junk) got on my watch.

10:13 am - Washed off my watch in the sanataion bin.

10:13 am - Got back to work on the red junk.

10:13 am - V askes me the time, and i promply answer 10:13.

10:13 am - V askes me the time again, and i promply answer 10:13.

10:13 am - V askes me the time again, and i promply answer 10:13. V then goes on to argue that half an hour ago, i said the same thing, and an hour before that i told him the same thing.

11:53 am - Looked at a clock found out the real time.

10:13 am - Time for lunch.

10:13 am - We ate lunch.

12:13 pm - Looked at a clock.

10:13 am - Politely asked D if i could use his watch, since he doesn't use it much.

10:13 am - V advised against my request.

10:13 am - Got beat by D.

10:13 am - Went to the hospital.

12:26 pm - Passed by a clock.

10:13 am - Got restrained and got operated on with novican, not local.

10:13 am - Wonder how i can write with my body numb.

10:13 am - Slept.

10:13 am - Woke up, and got a new watch.

4:59 pm - Went back to work with new watch.

5:00 pm - Got released from work.

5:03 pm - Went to rec room.

5:23 pm - Left rec room since there was nothing to do.

6:00 pm - Went to bed until tommorrow.



Note: This is an archived website. I built this between 2000 and 2004 and in some small way I feel that it has defined how I view my online presence. Although it's been years since I've updated, I have decided to keep it in its original glory and preserve it instead of replacing it with a blank page. Enjoy this glimpse into my younger self.